Thank you for your interest in selling at this year’s Used Curriculum Sale. To facilitate a smooth, well-organized sale, TEACH asks that all Sellers review the following requirements before registering to sell:
BEFORE THE SALE: Properly tag all items entered into the sale (including “free” items). Detailed instructions are provided on the “Seller Information” webpage.
BEFORE THE SALE: Drop off sale items (by appointment only) to either a drop-off location near you during the week before the sale or directly to the sale location the day before the sale. Drop-off locations are listed on the “Seller Information” webpage. Sellers MUST register first.
DAY OF THE SALE: Assist with re-sorting of all unsold items when the sale closes at 1:00 pm on Saturday. This is required by all Sellers and takes approximately 1 hour to complete. We depend on our Sellers to help with this process. If for some reason you are unable to fulfill this requirement personally, you may assign someone who is not also a Seller to do so in your place, but these arrangements must be made in advance and communicated in advance to the Seller Coordinator.
DAY OF THE SALE: Remove all unsold items by 3:00 pm, Saturday.
AFTER THE SALE: Receive payment within a month following the sale for all items sold.
Payment will be made to each Seller either by a mailed check or deposited electronically into a PayPal account. Please note that TEACH retains 20% of the proceeds from all sales, which is used to cover expenses incurred from this and other events and services provided throughout the year by TEACH to Connecticut’s Christian home school community.
Please note, no one is paid for any of the work done in connection with the sale–all are volunteers–nor does the TEACH Board receive any form of compensation for the many hours of service rendered throughout the year.