TEACH CT - The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers

TEACH Classified Admail

Want to reach as many homeschoolers as possible with your message?

Admail is sent out to over 2,000+ families by e-mail!

This free service is for TEACH members to post ads of items for sale or wanted, services offered or needed, or events of interest to the homeschool community. TEACH reserves the right to reject an ad for any reason if we feel it is not appropriate for our subscribers. In-person events should be located within Connecticut or near the border and online events/services should have a clear “about” statement and contact information. If in doubt about the appropriateness of an ad, please contact Admail Publications at: before submitting payment. TEACH members can submit their Classified Ad-mail to  with a description containing 50 words or less (see sample below). The submission deadline is the 1st of each month with the next edition of Admail being published by mid-month. If you are not already a member, simply click here to join online or download a Membership Form to submit your payment by mail. (Please indicate on the form whether or not you are currently homeschooling). Then submit your ad to the e-mail above by the 1st of the month.
TUTORING SERVICES: Connecticut certified English teacher offering tutoring services for middle- and high-school homeschool students in my home. Flexible rates. For more information, please visit website at www.abcd.com or email Stacy at . Tutor is located in central Connecticut.

PLEASE NOTE:  You do not have to be homeschooling in order to utilize this service!  But you must be a TEACH member.

Your ad will automatically run for 4 months–unless it is a dated event or material.  After 4 months, we ask that you take one month off from running your ad with the option of rewording and re-posting after that time, if desired.  Please contact  with any questions or for more information.

TEACH does not take any responsibility for the content of items posted or views expressed during activities listed. Please use this service at your own discretion.