Dear Homeschool Leaders,
You pour so much of yourselves into leading and serving your groups all year. We love having the opportunity to come alongside and help refill your cup! As we plan and pray over the leader luncheon each year, we seek a fruitful blend of refreshment, inspiration and biblical principles, along with practical tools to lighten your load. We also want to bless you with ample opportunity for fellowship - leadership can be lonely at times, and it is good to realize that you are not alone. We hope that this leads to the development of some lasting relationships, which in turn may foster a stronger sense of community between groups. Homeschoolers may be facing tough times ahead, and continuing to strengthen our leadership network will be key to maintaining our freedoms.
This year we are excited to welcome Steve Demme, creator of Math-U-See and founder of Building Faith Families. Steve will be leading an interactive “Principles of Communication” workshop, which emphasizes listening with humility as a key to effective leadership.
After lunch, Steve will also share some ideas on how groups can best support families with special needs children, based on experiences homeschooling their youngest son with Down Syndrome.
Finally, with so many alternatives to public school and versions of home-based education recently cropping up, it might be wise to pause and consider:
The TEACH board will be sharing our positions and reasoning on these questions and why we feel definitions matter. We are also eager to hear your thoughts and experiences “from the field”. It will be a perfect time to try out those new listening and communication skills before we head home!
This event is designed for leaders/co-leaders or trainees of in-person, faith-based homeschool co-ops and support groups, formal or recreational. You can even come if you are considering starting a group. If you know a leader who might be interested, feel free to share.
The deadline is important so that we have time to get contact information into the program directory - thank you registering promptly!
We are asking $20/person to help defray costs. However, if this presents a financial hardship please contact us at: gro.tchcaet@tchcaet.
We ask that you make every effort to arrange for childcare, but if needed, there are nursery facilities available and you are welcome to bring children with you.
If you know of someone in homeschool leadership who may be interested in this event, please let us know by providing their email to gro.tchcaet@tchcaet and we will reach out to them with a personal invite!
Steve Demme and his wife Sandra have been married since 1979. They have been blessed with four sons, three lovely daughters-in-law, and six special grandchildren. Their fourth son has Downs Syndrome and lives with them in Lititz, PA. Steve has served in full or part time pastoral ministry for many years after graduating from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. He is the creator of Math-U-See and the founder of Building Faith Families.