Sharon Fisher is a wife, mother, and grandmother who has a passion for encouraging homeschool parents to teach children with excellence and biblical worldview. She holds two Elementary Education degrees and has many years of full-time teaching experience in the elementary classroom and served as an elementary author for BJU Press. She has contributed to a variety of elementary educational materials and has presented workshops nationally and internationally on a variety of topics and teaching methods. She blogs and serves as Manager/ Curriculum Specialist, Speaker Coordinator, Social Media for HomeWorks by Precept, a provider of excellent homeschool materials.
Math That Adds Up – It’s Not Just About Numbers
How many times have you heard your child say, “I will never use this in real life?” Why are we teaching math that way? To teach with a biblical worldview means we are teaching subject matter to equip our children with skills they need to serve God and show love to their neighbors. Let’s talk about teaching math that matters!
Reading Between the Lines (Handout Available)
Can your child read between the lines or is she just decoding? How does your phonics instruction affect your child’s reading comprehension? What techniques can you use before, during, and after reading to help your child comprehend? How does the comprehension taught in reading instruction affect other subject areas?
How to Get Your Child Excited About Science (Handout Available)
Having trouble getting your child excited about science? Having trouble getting excited about science yourself? Get new vision and methods for teaching science with a biblical worldview in this workshop. Get ready to have some fun!
Teaching Writing Simplified (Handout Available)
One of the hardest things about teaching writing is figuring out how to grade it. Do you teach and assess the steps of the writing process? Does your child know clearly what you expect at every step? Is he motivated to write a clear message, or does he think the mechanics of spelling and grammar are all you really care about? Discover practical help to make teaching writing fun and effective.