TEACH CT - The Education Association of Christian Homeschoolers

Convention Volunteers Needed

Can you spare an hour? Two hours? Maybe even three? The convention can’t run without the help of our volunteers. We’d be grateful for whatever time you can give – even just one hour. For every hour you help out, you will receive four (4) MassHOPE Bucks–accepted by all Vendor Hall vendors.  Use your bucks as cash at any of the exhibit hall booths or the recording table. Take a look at the Volunteer Opportunities below and sign up now!


Convention Volunteer Opportunities

  • Exhibit Hall - Walk through the exhibit hall and give exhibitors a chance to catch your eye or wave you down if they need anything. They might want someone to watch the booth while they run to the bathroom, or fetch water, coffee, or tea, etc..

  • Registration - Provide name badges to preregistered attendees or process new registrations.

  • Greeter - Hand out badge holders and convention booklets to attendees after they pass through registration

  • Badge Checker - Check badges of registered attendees to ensure that they are granted appropriate access - ie First floor only badges not admitted to third floor, etc… (men preferred)

  • Book Check Room - Man a table where attendees can drop off items purchased that day and reclaim them later.

*NOTE: You may register online or by emailing . If registering to online to volunteer, you can ignore the instruction to also register for the Convention, as Convention registration is now closed.